Purple Urine and Other Rare Conditions
As a nursing student, what I needed more than getting straight A's was mentorship and inspiration. I founded WORLD CLASS NURSE with a mission to give you a taste of what goes on in my mind, and to inspire and motivate the next generation of nurses.
Take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel enthused to be a nurse. It is our time!
Dealing with Patient's Relatives
Opportunities for Quick Patient Assessment
Why You Need a Nurse Mentor in 2021
2020 Review: End of Life Care
2020 Review: The Evolution of COVID-19 Treatment
Saying No at Work
Nurse to Patient Ratio: How to Cope with High Numbers
COVID-19: My Story
Internship: How to Get the Most
A Stint in Paediatrics
Handing Over Like a Boss
Step Back
Patient Advocacy
A Random Reflection
It's a Wrap
KNH Labour Ward
Hook Me Up
COVID 19 Vs. 5G and others
Masking Up